Crossword roundup: can you solve these vintage puzzles tackled by Douglas Adams and AJ Ayer?

Guardian Crossword

Crosswords / Guardian Crossword 90 Views comments

The Rev John Graham, AKA Araucaria, was the setter in question. Try them for yourself – and let us know how you fare

In Douglas Adams’ 1985 novel So Long and Thanks for All the Fish, we enjoy the following exchange between Fenchurch and Arthur Dent on the way into an anecdote (Arthur speaks first):

‘So I bought a newspaper, to do the crossword, and went to the buffet to get a cup of coffee.’
‘You do the crossword?’
‘Which one?’
‘The Guardian usually.’
‘I think it tries to be too cute. I prefer the Times. Did you solve it?’
‘The crossword in the Guardian.’
‘I haven’t had a chance to look at it yet,’ said Arthur, ‘I’m still trying to buy the coffee.’

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